The Borough Of New Albany
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New Albany Borough History

The following is a copy of a "New Albany Women's Club" club paper dated May 16, 1928.
Please note: reading the handwriting was a bit difficult and some words and names may be transcribed incorrectly.

New Albany Borough and Township

New Albany takes its name from an old Connecticut town of that name, which includes in its limits, the present Township. The old town was named by a party of gentlemen, formerly residents of the city of Albany, N.Y. who had purchased a large tract of the land in the southern part of Bradford County.

Long before Albany was populated by white men this was the territory abode of Indians. Remains of their lodges were found in many places beside the South to Branch Creek. The path over which they traveled from the North to the West branch of the Susquehanna paved through the central part of the township.

The first improvements in Albany before the year 1800 were made by the French, who cut a road through from Albany to what is now Laddsburg. Where they constructed two or three log houses, several sugar camps and began the erection of a sawmill.

In the months of April, 1800 a prospecting party started from Monroe with their axes and a gun, marking trees as they proceeded. At the end of the first day the found themselves with in the present limits of New Albany borrough, where a brush cabin was constructed near the creek and they spent the night. Lands were settled and the party returned. Ephraim Ladd one of the pioneers who had selected lands on the present sight of New Albany, made some improvements and erected a log house with a cobb roof. Early in this spring of 1801 he moved his family in, it required two days to make the trip from Monroe. Thus, the first settler of Albany established his house in the wilderness five miles from his nearest neighbor, amidst panthers, wolves and bears. Charles Warner Ladd, his son, settled adjoining his father, and in 1822 erected the stone-house, a noted land to mark for a century. Here he died in 1832, aged 51 years.

The first schools in Albany were night schools and were taught by Ephraim Ladd and his sons, Horatio and Charles W. at some neighbors house. Philinda Alden of Monroe in the winter of 1812 - 13 taught a school of two or three months at the house of Ephraim Ladd. In 1813 or 14 story log school house was built, having seats constructed out of slabs and set up on legs, Miss Anna Luce was the first teacher in this building. When there were only nine or 10 families in Albany, on Sundays they would congregate at the house of Ephraim Ladd, who would read to them from a religious paper, containing sermons. The reading was interspersed with singing and prayers and, and sometimes speaking. The choir consisted of Mr. Ladd, his wife and son, Horatio.The first preacher came was a Methodist Episcopal Minister who preached once each four weeks, coming in 1811 - 12.

The first families were obliged to go to Monroe to raise such grain as they had, on the flats. They then had to go to Toiga Point (now Athens) with ox teams to get the grain ground, whoever went took the grist of the whole neighborhood.

A half blood Indian once stayed overnight with Ephraim Ladd, had been to Washington as an interpreter for the six nations. He described locations, springs, and noted landmarks with as much accuracy as any old settler.

The first child born in the township was Eliza, daughter of Horatio Ladd, June 20, 1805. The first death in the township was John C. son of Ephraim Ladd May 16, 1804 aged 18 and 1/2 years. The first marriage was that of Lydia daughter of Ephraim Ladd and Truman Holcomb of LeRoy, at the home of the brides parents 1812.

The first in impulse to Albany's growth was the building of the Berwick and Tioga Turnpike through the township in 1818 - 19. A thorofare having been established, Albany became more attractive to home seekers.

The first Post Office was established in 1819 or 20 with Charles W. Ladd Postmaster. The mail was brought in by a footman or on horseback once a week. Before this the people were required to go to Towanda or Monroe for their mail.

The first hotel was opened in 1820 by Roland Wilcox. The first store was kept by Roland Wilcox Jr. about 1833. The first assessment for Albany was made in the fall of 1824. The first state election was held in October 1824 at the house of Freeman Wilcox, 36 persons voting. At the November presidential election following, 14 persons voted and all cast their vote for Gen. Jackson.

Laddsburg, (originally Nillers), established a Post Office in 1850 with Peter Sliriger Postmaster.

Evergreen, (formerly Hibbard Hill), was given a Post Office in 1871 with William Allen Postmaster.

In 1866 Albany borough was laid out in town flats and incorporated as a borough in 1879.

The first I.O. of Odd Fellows was ordained and held their meetings in the upstairs of Horatio Ladd's house which is now the home of Mrs. Arina Engtish.

The building of the State Line and Sullivan Railway in 1865 - 70 brought material prosperity not-only to Albany but to the surrounding country.

Albany was settled by a patriotic people and has always shown the greatest loyalty to her country. Records show ten serving in war of 1812, 197 and Civil War of whom 13 gave up their lives on battlefields 10 died in rebel prisons and 17 of disease while 30 more were maimed for life. 10 in Spanish American war and 68 in world war.

Above Laddsburgh, are the celebrated Eilinberger Springs remarkable for the great veins of cool water, and since November 21- 1891, Towanda's main source of water. A number of families in New Albany borough were also supplied with water from this source, till 1892 when a water company was incorporated and the town furnished with its own supply of water.

In 1912 New Albany had its first electricity.

In 1904 the rural Postoffice's were discontinued and R.F.D. established with four roots leaving from New Albany Post Office on May 2 - 1904.

In 1920 township and borough schools were consolidated and a vocational school was opened.

At the present time a recreation ground is under construction which will be equipped with swimming, food, shower, baths, tennis courts, etc. which goes to show that New Albany is keeping in step with the world in the forward trend.

May 16 - 1928 Club paper